Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cruise to Grand Turk

We had a BLAST on our cruise to Grand Turk!!!! Great Christian Music, speakers, and we met lots of great people from all over the country. Words can not explain how much fun we had on our trip. I hope to return again next year and take Ashlyn with me. She would love all the music, swimming, and best of all 24 hour ice cream!!! The food was great, and you could eat anytime of day you wanted to. I believe that we at more in 5 days than we have ate in a whole year. This was a great time of refreshing, and we are forever grateful to all who made our trip possible!!! Thank You!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day 2009

After a great weekend at Myrtle Beach for a marriage retreat, Scott and I returned to a great few days with our girls before our next big adventure. Little did we know that would include a great day of playing in the snow....We went outside this morning as soon as the snow stopped falling and the girls had a blast!

Meredith loved the snow this year...and proceeded to SCREAM when it was time to go in. Who cares that her face and hands where so cold they could have been used as ICE!!
Ashlyn is an old pro at the snow...her favorite is sledding with her sister....
They had so much fun...and now Scott and I are head off to the great sun and warm temps of the Caribbean!!! What a great day we had!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Homework Troubles...

Why is it, that they want to do "homework" before the days of school are here, and then when school time is here you have to make them do their work? Here you see Ashlyn reading her weekly chapter book for school, and Meredith "reading" her book too. The catch is that it is 9pm and Ashlyn has been fighting all afternoon about reading her book. She is a great reader, but said the book was boring and she didn't want to read it. Lucky for her we had church and she got a few hours of a break, but as soon as we returned home....reading she began! I dread the school years to come if every afternoon is going to be a challenge with homework. I guess we need to find a system that works, and get her excited about the years to come...because homework is only going to get worse!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Sick Little Meredith....

Our little Meredith has been sick for over a week. We thought on Saturday that she was on the road to recovery....but boy we were wrong. Ever since that night, she has begun to get worse and can't seem to not run a fever under 101. The doctor did every test in his office on Monday and we left with still no answer. We visit back today...and hope that some of the blood work he did will reveal something! This picture is her with a 104 fever...and she wanted to be wrapped up in her daddy's Carolina blanket! We have started young....GO HEELS!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Grand Turk Island...Here We Come!!!

Yesterday, Moons Chapel Baptist gave us the best surprise. We had a great 10 year celebration for our service and then at the end was presented with a gift....A CRUISE TO GRAND TURK ISLAND!!!. We will be sailing away next week and the kids get to spend some time with family and friends. The cruise is the K-Love Friends and Family Cruise with great music, speakers, and fun!! We are so excited, and are already packing. I will be sure to post some pictures so that all can see our fun! Looking forward to the warm weather, sun and maybe we will even get a January!

10 YEARS!!!!

Today is the Sunday that finishes our 10th year of service here at MOONS CHAPEL. It is hard to believe that we have served 10 great years here at MOONS CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH!! We love it here and thank God for the chance to have been part of such a great ministry. It has not always been peaches and cream...but we would not have wanted to have begun any where else. We have met so many great people and made so many great friends. Everyone here in good old Siler City treats us like family. Some days, I don't know what we would have done without them....from helping us with sick kids, fixing food, babysitting, borrowing cars, rides to work, and the list could go on for miles. The people here are great!!! Sometimes you may find yourself wanting to change things in life, but for us we know that this is exactly where God wants us to serve. "HEAVEN" as some people call, but for us it is "GOD'S WILL". Thanks MOONS CHAPEL for 10 great years.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Here is a look at our little family. Two great girls GREAT HUSBAND. I thank God everyday for the man He has given me to be by my side daily here in "CRAZY LAND"!! Ashlyn is our oldest at age 7, and Meredith is 22 months. Hope you enjoy a look into our life......